OK so I guess unless you are blind you have noticed the new layout and look for ShortSaleSuperStars. There is one slight problem though........I didn't ask Wendy and she hasn't seen it!!! This look could be very temporary.So.....am I going to be in trouble? I guess we'll have to wait and see.Anyway....here are my thoughts.The site needed to have a cleaner look.Wendy and I had talked about getting our "product pitches" off the front page. So I moved the pitches and replaced them with buttons and a "Short Sale Training" tab. We will also be adding a "SuperStar Store" tab that will have tee shirts, mugs and other ShortSaleSuperStar goodies.The wording on and the position of the tabs were changed. It looks more like a news site (I think).The profile questions have been changed. The change was made to make it easier to "Find An Agent"Blog posts now have a new tab "Short Sale News" and the forums are under "Q&A".The tab for groups was changed to "Lender Info".These changes were designed to make the site more consumer friendly. We want potential Sellers and Buyers to be able to find us and be able to navigate the site with ease.So what do you think? Wendy.....do you still love me or am I in trouble. I can fix it I promise.Please give us you feedback.
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  • I love this change. It's much easier to read and use!
  • Bettie, This site is open to all as long as they play by the rules. Investors are welcome. We have several already. We also have attorneys, virtual assistants, sellers and others. The site rules are in the right side bar.

    In a nutshell we are here to learn and to help each other get through short sales. As long as they are doing that......they are welcome.
  • Oh!. Glad Wendy like it , because I like it. I am a new comer and want to know can we invite non=agents on this site. I am speaking of someone who is an investor ,but does many many short sales for others, but he is not an agent himself.. Thanks.
  • Yep - like the new look too. Much cleaner navigation makes everything easier to find. Bravo!
  • I like it too. Much better than the previous one! Great job!
  • Great job, Bryant.....looks like Wendy has given her blessing (albeit w/o coffee) but I think you'll be okay! :) LOVE, love, love the new colors. I am in 100% concurrence with Judy re: the orange/black theme. Hard on the eyes, and it looked like an '80's hair band site.
  • Great new look, it's easier to read and the light background is more modern. I like it!
  • I think it is much cleaner. Much more appealing to visitors. :)
  • What's VBG mean?
  • Thanks Judy!!! I hope you are well today.
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