Weekend Update

Hello fellow Superstars,

OK..... so what's been going on at www.ShortSaleSuperStars.com this week? How about....71 new members! Welcome to all. Please be sure to take a minute and place your information and location on the "Referral Map" You want to make sure people can find you if they are looking for a Short Sale Agent in their area.

Last week we had 2,768 UNIQUE visitors with 58% of them coming from the search engines. www.ShortSaleSuperStars.com is being found by sellers, buyers and professionals throughout the country.

With this in mind, make sure your profile page is as complete as possible. Check out my page and Wendy's page for good examples.

Are you following the conversations?

  • The Equator system is the hot topic this week. Frustrations are mounting.

In the next few days we will be breaking the 1,000 members mark. This site is growing fast and Wendy and I need help. We are looking for a web site designer, a marketer and anybody else that may have some good ideas to help us grow. If you want to help....let us know.

And.....we are ready to start getting some National press. Please be sure to mention www.ShortSaleSuperStars.com to everyone you speak with. Let's get a buzz going. After all WE (all of us) are the ones that are making a difference in this market and the public needs to know that. They need to see what we have going on over here. So shout it out loud!

Finally, we do offer Short Sale Agent Training for those that need it. At $97 for almost 9 hours of training it's a steal. Check it out. We'd love to have you.

Until next time......LEARN, KNOW AND GROW.

Together we CAN make a difference.

Wendy and Bryant

P.S. We'd love to hear from you if you have any suggestions to make this site better. It's your site. What can we do to improve?

Available Short Sale Agent Training:


Wendy Rulnick and Bryant Tutas

Copyright © 2010 REGrow, LLC | All Rights Reserved

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  • Susan I have never dealt with them before. Post you question in the Q&A section and maybe one of our members can help
  • Have you had any First Bank Mortgage contact. They are saying that they do not do short sales. Thanks.
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