SuperStar Update 11-13-2009

Hello fellow SuperStars,What a week we have had!! The site revamping seems to have gone over very well. Thank you for all of your positive comments on the new look.Would you believe that in the last week we have had 785 absolute unique visitors? And we had 11,569 page views!!!

40 new members this week brings our total to 533. What else can I say? The growth of the network this week has been phenomenal. Thank you!Due to this rapid growth we asked Jeff Payne to help us moderate the site. He gladly accepted his first order of duty which was to delete duplicate profiles and make sure all members are using First name/last name in your profiles. The first is for obvious reasons the second is to help with the new short sale agent search features.That reminds me......please add yourself to the short sale agent referral map. We want to be able to find you to give you business. Just hover on the "Find an Agent" tab and you'll see the link to the map.OK one more thing. Groups. Groups are the backbone of the site. Being able to find accurate info on the lenders we are working with is paramount to our success. If you are working with a short sale lender and can't find a group set up for them then please set one up. Or email me, Wendy or Jeff and we'll set it up for you.I can't stress enough how important this is. The group should be set up in the name of the short sale lender. It should have current contact information, web address and any forms they require as part of their short sale package. You can place this stuff in the first text box. Ask for help if you need it.We really want to make sure the short sale lender information is kept current. Please help. OK?OK I think that's it for now. As always let us know if there is anything we can do to improve the site. Our goal is to make this the best place on the web for folks dealing with short sales to get their information. How are we doing so far?Until next time....Learn, Know and Grow.Together we can make a difference.Wendy and Bryant
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  • Bryant and Wendy, what great news with the referral map - I"m on. Thank you!
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