Short Sale Approval Letters ARE just OFFER LETTERS

Can not stress this enough.....EVERYTHING on a short sale is negotiable, including ANYTHING that comes over on an approval letter.....

If you or the Seller does not like wording, commission amounts, or short sale consequences, then ASK THEM TO CHANGE THE LETTER!!!!

Most will if you negotiate properly.

Now go kick some butts!!!

Ben Benita, Speaker, Author, Radio Guest

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  • you are 1000% correct......

    I always try to remind EVERYONE that the people you speak with in loss mitigation are called "negotiators" for a reason!!!!!

    Love your site, getting lots of business and "publicity"......will be launching a big new site and radio show by early September....will keep you posted.....

    Again, thanks for everything.
  • Ben. I think many agents forget that negotiating is what we get paid to do. I read so many comments on this site from folks stating that the lender did this or that and "what do I do?" The answer is always the same...NEGOTIATE!!
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