How dare BoA and equator go backwards and make document collection more difficult!
How dare they waste our time! How dare they insult me like this! Look at what happens when I submit a perfect file:
I receive 2 auto generated emails (I confirmed a human being on the BoA side marked the file for REJECTION):
Subject> Offer Supporting Documents Rejected + Offer Contract Rejected:
Reject Reason: Incorrect document type + Reject Reason: Incorrect document type
After hours on the phone, finally speaking to a "high official" at BoA to find out WHY - he told me there is
. The file is perfect.
Last week, the same thing happened, and I called and was told one error existed, so I corrected it. But as you can see, it made no difference this time.
If it is a fact that Short Sales are investor driven, then Bank of America, as servicer for the investor(s)/owner(s)
of the actual loans, has a fiduciary duty in this role to the INVESTOR, and the investor's goal is to COLLECT A DEBT, not to sell a house. Then why are they delaying things like this? These delays are costing the investor lots of money because of continued declining values.

And in this case, I've been working on this house for 11 months (sold it 5 times), and my seller has been trying for another year before that for BoA to agree on short sale terms.

In my opinion, BoA has lost another 10% equity on this house in the last year. How this this helping the investor?
I've placed a request at both Equator & BoA to change the word REJECTED in the subject and body of generic emails.

Remember, this is just in the document collection process. To receive an email like this is just an insult!
Change REJECT to one of these> bad job, glitch, in error, incorrect, unsubstantial. At least this won't insult us!
Wake up, BoA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a clue, EQUATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You both must stop this nonsense, this insanity!

Thanks for listening.


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  • I've had several "Rejected" like this recently.. The reason they provide is "Other" and after repeated attempts to find out what that means, sometimes they tell me and sometimes they don't ever respond and the deal get's completely denied..
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