Ocwen "Relationship Manager" -What is that?

After a few months of dealing with Ocwen after saxon sold the loan I was told one week ago that Ocwen has all the paperwork and a relationship manager can call my client on october 25th.  The person in india couldn't tell me what the call would be about or what the status of the short sale is.


Is this a good or bad thing and what should i be looking forward to?


any help offered would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance

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  • I lost a phone because of Saxon....and used a few very colorful words.  The idiot on the phone told me I should refax some documents and check back in 7 days.  I asked her if she knew what day it was.  She did, and told me the date.  I then asked her to repeat the auction date.  She did, it was in three days.  I then asked her if she saw any problems with those two numbers.  She repeated that I should refax and check in 7 days.  okay, but...."maam, that is the only option, it just takes that long to process.".  OH NO...that was when the phone got broken.  I sort of lost it.

  • Thanks for the reply Tara.


    I will admit dealing with them has been an experience, but they are far better than Saxon who took forever and sold the loan towards the end of the short sale.  I hope they don't try the "we called but you didn't answer" line on me!

  • They are so ridiculous.  They have a new plan every week.  The last short sale I did with them was crazy.  I would call in to talk to somebody and they refused to let me through.  I would then set up an appointment...a 15 minute window in 3-5 days in which they were to call me back.  15 minute window?  Are you kidding!  So, of course they didn't call.  I would then call back and they would claim they had made the call and I didn't answer, which was a lie.  That system lasted a couple weeks and then all of a sudden it was gone.  Good luck trying to ask them about it.  Their Indian phone peeps just read comments off a card or it feels like it. All the same, it did close.  I found when they started to email me all communications things went much smoother.

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