My Saxon Rant...

Saxon..the Oxen of the Short sale industry.If you have an Oxen in your will be expected to feed it and protect it everyday. For these daily chores you will be ignored, pushed around and drooled upon. If you meet one of these lumbering creatures while traveling in the road, you may honk all you wish but you will not be allowed to pass...traffic will come to a grinding halt.The lesson of trying to work with oxen is this,,they will tear up your field and leave it infertile for years to come. If you are speeding along and encounter one on the road to success they will block your way and bottleneck traffic. They are big, slow, unappreciative and have a brain to mass ratio of a walnut to a school bus.What started this little rant?...I have had a short sale pending since May that has been negotiate and accepted by the Ox of the industry, with a Mid- October closing date. Back in May the buyer's title attorney discovered a title issue related to a broken assignment....and we told the Ox about this in May!. Farm animals like teenagers can be taught to come to the fence to be fed. We faxed them requests for this title repair a couple of times a month for the last six months. As the closing date looms and we have an actual Negotiator to talk to (not just who ever answers can help you). Each time I have spoken with my assigned negotiator over the last month I have asked for an update on the title issue...and each time she has said "I'll send another email to my boss" and each time I say that tactic doesn't appear to be working.We are not going to close on time because of a title issue the first mortgage holder (the Ox) has with their title, and I was just told I will be penalized 20% of my expected commission for failure to close on time. These lumbering creatures are not friendly to the people that feed them and clean up their messes, but they are too near sighted to see that and too dumb to understand if their keepers stop feeding them they will die in their field.In case I've been to subtle...SAXON SUCKS!Posted by...Steve Loynd
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  • Bryant...they can be a surly bunch, and when they don't have an answer the company line is to ignore...ignore...ignore and hope you go away.
  • Love this article Steve. Great analogy. I have yet to have the pleasure of dealing with Saxon. After reading this I'm not looking forward to it.
  • Debe...I've been married twice so I don't give up easily...I'll get it to work, that's what we do. Thanks Steve
  • EXCELLENT analogy, Steve! I love it! Sorry you've had so much difficulty with Saxon--it seems that we're hearing more and more stories such as this one, these days. Hopefully you'll be able to get someone to negotiate that commission back for you.
  • Saxon...was born under the sign of the Ox...big, dumb and unfriendly even to the people that feed them.
  • Steve - I got one of the dreaded Saxon approval letters with the same commission reduction threat if we did not close on time. Unbelievable!! Like your analogy!
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