I just wanted to drop you a note to express my heartfelt thanks for being there when someone needs you. All too often, the pursuit of wealth and duplicity associated with gaining the inside track to the "All-Mighty Dollar" seems to win over and corrupt even the most honest & upright individuals among us. Thankfully, you are not among them! 

We have known each other for a short 2-3 years but it seems as though we've known each other forever. We are kindred spirits, you & I. We believe in fighting for the oppressed, the put upon, the lied to...the "Little Guy" who for one reason or another cannot or doesn't know how to fight back against the Corporate Giant banking industry in regards to protecting their homes from, oftimes, illegal "landgrab" foreclosures. It was through our dedication to fight for them that we have not only become business acquaintances but good friends.

Friendship in both personal as well as professional relationships requires a commitment to truth, honesty, respect and a dedication to others as well as oneself. You have outdone and outlasted many of the so-called "professionals" I have known in both my personal and professional lives. I can't count the times that I've called you with a question that I had that we didn't go into a long discussion & "learning exercise" that has expanded my expertise & ability to help homeowners to fight back against unscrupulous and underhanded banks. You've always been available, open and honest in your counsel, yet compassionate and understanding to the plight of the homeowner. For these qualities in you, I'm truly thankful.

In closing, let anyone who may question your ethics, who may doubt your honesty or think otherwise of your dedication contact me, personally. For all that you've done for me & everyone whose lives you've touched you are owed a huge debt of gratitude. If there is EVER anything that I may do to help you or your cause, PLEASE don' hesitate to call me!!

Randy Dant

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