Longwood Florida Short Sale Superstar Bryant Tutas and Tutas Towne Realty, Inc   just had another successful Longwood Florida Short Sale closing with Select Portfolio Servicing.

The property:

Primary Residence vacated almost 6 years ago. 2 bedroom 1 bath condo located in WINDSOR AT SABAL WALK in Longwood Florida. This Longwood Florida Short Sale has 959 sq ft of living area and was built in 1991. It was purchased in 2006 for $194,500. It Sold 09/19/2014 for $58,000! That's a decrease in value of 70% in 8 years


  • 1st Mortgage with SPS for $160,000
  • 2nd Mortgage with Wells Fargo for $40,000
  • HOA Arrears $28,000


  • Excessive debt and loss of income.


The property was placed on the market March 3, 2013 for $73,000. We sold the property several times but could never get the HOA and the 2nd to cooperate. After many months and several buyers the 2nd charged off the loan so we no longer had to deal with them.

The buyer's agent had a connection with the HOA and was able to get them to take $5,000 as payment in full. The buyer agreed to pay this at closing.

The transaction closed on 19 September 2014 for $58,000. 

Greentree accepted $53,000 or roughly .33 cents on the dollar for the 1st mortgage. 

***The Seller received FULL WAIVER OF DEFICIENCY on this Select Portfolio Services Short Sale..

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