Your Credit Score
When you foreclose on a home your credit will be altered for about 5+ years, to say the least. However, when you do a short sale your credit is also affected, but for a much shorter time period and less damage is done. The truth is there is no concrete answer as to how many points it will affect your score. Every person has his or her own FICO and each individual’s score will vary. What I can tell you is the late payments are typically what have the major affect on a borrower’s credit. Most people are usually able to qualify for a new loan and buy a new home within 2 years after a short sale vs. the 5+ years if you were to go into foreclosure. Since everyone is different it’s best to consult with a credit repair-person or your real estate professional in more detail.

Why don’t I file Bankruptcy?
Short Sale vs. Bankruptcy – When faced with foreclosure many people tend to turn to bankruptcy as an option of solving their problem. Now there is a large difference many of the “professionals” fail to tell you. Filing for bankruptcy will consolidate your debt and can wipe out your liabilities, but it will not save you from having a FORECLOSURE put onto your credit report. Instead, now you will have both a bankruptcy and a foreclosure on your credit. If you plan on eventually turning back your property you WILL STILL HAVE A FORECLOSURE ON YOUR CREDIT REPORT. Trying to conduct a short sale while in bankruptcy can hold up the process, but it is not impossible. It will just take some more paperwork. My best advice is to consult with a great bankruptcy attorney prior to making any decision should you have additional debt you are unable to control besides your property. One key point to keep in mind is if your home is the only debt that is creating an uncontrollable situation for you then a short sale option is most likely your best bet vs. a bankruptcy. If you have other uncontrollable debt then a bankruptcy might also be needed in addition to a short sale. You should consult with a bankruptcy attorney should this be the case.

What do I do after a short sale?
After your short sale, the stress of your housing payment is extinguished and it’s time to get back on track to restoring your credit. Many people will rent for a while until their credit is fixed and then it’s time to get back into another house. With the right team of people working for you, you will be in a new house before you know it.

Mona Salem 310.925.4782 | Michelle Rosca 562.552.9600 | Long Beach Short Sales

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