Is it wise to "name names" in Blog Posts?

12433927872?profile=originalSpecifically...Lender names when talking about experiences with them with regards to Short Sales??? 

I have mixed feelings here.  Yes, I have posted blogs about my own experiences with particular Lenders.  They DO get responses..both from other Short Sale Agents which I find most helpful and even in some cases, the Lenders themselves.  I have had several stalled Short Sales resolved due to the interraction between my posts and the Lenders.  A good thing.

On the other hand, I am told by Agents that the Lenders monitor the blog sites and you don't want to be considered one of the "problem agents."  Hmmm....I think to be a good Short Sale List Agent, we SHOULD be creating "problems" for the Lenders by NOT giving up, going away, hiding our heads, apologizing, or simply accepting lame excuses for not processing our files. 

I have posted blogs on Bank of America, that were scathing, dripping with frustration and wondering why I could not get something resolved.  I have also posted blogs on Bank of America that are high in praise for a specific negotiator or the speed and efficiency that they handled a file.  It DOES happen.  Perhaps because I know it does happen, I find it appalling when there is an example of a REALLY bad Short Sale file.

I appreciate the volumes of files the Lenders have.  I appreciate that Bank of America in particular, due to their numbers of bad notes purchased from Countrywide and otherwise, CANNOT be on top of all their files.  I also read and file with care and believe each of the Agent e-mail updates.  They don't normally happen quickly, but they do show me that someone at Bank of America is trying to expedite the Short Sale process..and that is always good news.

I will continue to post blogs on both the good and the bad.  I think it's equally good for the Lenders to read about their short comings as it is to read about their successes..that's how things get changed.  I suspect that the Lenders DO monitor the blogs and they may put a black mark by my name as a "problem", but I'll take that chance to make it easier and faster for the next Short Sale List Agent that is working a file with them.

Generally speaking, short sales are so much better to handle in 2012 than they were in 2007, 2008 and 2009, that I have extremely optimistic feelings about short sales in 2013-2015.  Maybe they'll be done by then???


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  • I agree Wendy..

  • I'd limit last names in the posts.  What you write is permanently "out" there on the internet.  But as for specific experiences with the lenders, I think that's fine. You are more or less acting as a "reporter" and also stating "opinion". It can be a good learning tool for others.

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