2009 Mike Realtor Results: 56 homes sold, 22 Short Sales and 365 Days of Focus

Here is another letter from a client that I did a Short Sale for. The sale of the home was for about 50% of what wasowed, so the bank got about 50 cents on the $1. When I first met withthe sellers, they were making an almost $3,000 payment on a home thatwas worth $112,000. Crazy, huh. Well, it all worked out in the end.Feel free to pass this letter to someone who is skeptical about shortsales.

Mike Sher


To whom this may concern,

Mike Sher helped us short sale our home in Royal Oak recently. He negotiated with the bank and took care of everything. We had someproblems with a buyer that walked away right before closing but Miketold us everything was going to work out. He immediately took thenecessary steps to get us another buyer. We have heard a lot of storiesof people being thrown out of their home by the bank or abandoningtheir home without leaving a forwarding address for fear the creditorwould follow. We did not want to be that person.

Mike not only found us a buyer, but helped us redeem the deed from the bank and we closed without being foreclosed on. When facedwith such uncertainty, it was comforting knowing that we had an honestperson working for us. It was refreshing to have a normal closing withthe buyer's across the table, and us being able to give them keys. Itis never easy being in this situation; however Mike made thisexperience less painful.

Now that the Short Sale is over, we do not have to worry any more about our home or about collectors calling us. Since we have closed onthe home, we have not had a single call or letter from our old mortgagecompany. We would recommend Mike to anyone who is facing aforeclosure or just can't sell their home because they owe more thenwhat it is worth.


Michelle and David

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