Here is a link to an article written in Business Week: article talks about the death of short sales. There is some information in the article about OneWestbank and what has been happening according to some agents since Soros and Dell put their money up for OneWest.We did just get a closing approved from OneWest and FDIC last month without any deficiency and no promissory note or cash contribution from our seller. But our seller did have a serious medical hardship and he is an attorney whose income fell because of his illness.We need to keep pressure on to be able to have the banks play ball on short sales. It is far better for our economy and communities to close on short sales over foreclosures. Short sales also sell for more money than foreclosures.Please write to your congressmen and woman, let them know what is going on in the real world, where you live and work. Thanks! Katerina
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  • Short Sales are here to stay, I think this is a great article to help you positioned yourself as the "Short Sale Superstar" this is just one bank One West as we all know there are hundreds of others that this case does not apply, its all about how you present this great article! This can help you positioned yourself as the person to go to, write a PR to your local media and get this turn around educate your community and network with grassroots organization! Hang in there Short Sales is the place to be it will replace foreclosures give it 6 to 8 months!
  • I totally agree. We always need to know what is out there in the media because that is what the public listens to and we need to be able to counter the misinformation!
  • Interesting article Katerina. I disagree that short sales are going away. It's still about the money and it makes financial sense for lenders to negotiate short sales. The comments posted on truly show how misinformed people are about short sales.
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