FRT - What is your experience?

While jumping into the adventure (choosing kind words) that are short sales,

it has seemed logical to partner with a short sale negotiator.
Foreclosures are down for 3 years straight in Allegheny Co,

while short sales are...well...who knows what the elusive invisible short sale is up to.

While numbers of sales (deed transfers) appear to be in a level not seen since the 1980's,

there is a large number of "traditional" real estate sales available.

Short sales are more in line with the Buyer who has the time,

thou we have been burning thru 3rd parties like wildfire.

Our Team has had some great experiences:

a. $700,000 mortgage, short sale at $410,000 closed in 45 days.

This one suckered me in! Now recognized for the miracle it appears it was.

Our Team has had some more expected experiences:

a. $1.2 Million Mortgage, $750,000 sale, to the 4th buyer in line, 14 mos later.

An armed guard the night before the closing in the house, after a court order vacated the house,

to greet the seller returning for parts of the house...which they did in fact show up to do!

Our team currently has:

A $75,000 sale where the short sale negotiator is calling us for updates!

FRT is requesting repeatedly I sign a form agreeing to give them part of my already reduced commission at sale.

Our team found the seller, the buyer, the everything and brought it to them.

I feel like I have kissed so many frogs looking for the prince/princess shortsale negotiator,

my lips are chapped and falling off! Anything I am missing here?

Mike Netzel


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  • Paul

    I appreciate your taking the time on a holiday weekend (in theory for us I realize) for the feedback.

    I get that to some degree there is duplication (send what you already sent..again and again)...thou always and every time seems a bit much. Your comment of "they wanted me to bring them more agents" may explain how I got them, from another agent who does not use them personally. Your story is eerily familiar! Thank you.

  •    Stay away from them, it's all bad news. I tried them when I was at 50 files. I gave them 4 and after a year I was still the one that got them approved and repeatedly had to help their negotiators get over the "brick walls" lenders would put in place. They changed their fees every quarter and gave me nothing in return. They wanted me to bring them more agents. What it came down to was that they needed me way more than I needed them. I finally told them where to go.
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