I was preparing my (last minute, of course) Christmas cards to clients and past clients at midnight on 12/22/09. For some reason I checked the MLS for an address update on a buyer client I hadn't been in contact with for quite some time. I was surprised to see that his house had recently closed and at first I was pretty upset that he had sold his home without me. My fault though, since I already gave it away that I hadn't followed up with him recently...Then I saw that it was Lender Owned. I decided to check the other addresses on my mailing list and was shocked to see that four of my past clients had lost their homes to foreclosure. It made me realize that if I had educated them about the option and benefits of a Short Sale, 1. I would have made a sale and possibly a rental, 2. My client's credit would have been in much better shape, 3. I would still have that client. Now, I don't know where he is!Lessons Learned-- Stay in touch with my clients and make sure they know I do Short Sales
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  • Kelly - Great reminder to all of us.
  • All I can say is to keep sending regular updates regarding market conditions to your clients and the fact that you can also help them and their family and friends, also good to state that they do not have to worry about confidentiality. What I also found with past clients, is that they are embarrassed about being up side down in their home, good idea to drop by or call clients to see how they are doing.
  • Good point Kelly. Thanks for the reminder of keeping in touch with past clients.
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