CONTEST--- Why do you want to do Short Sales?

First things first, I'm a new agent. I have no insights into how things can be improved with shorts sales, so if you're after learning about the newest in mouse traps--- just move along. Nothing to see here. That's right folks. Giddy-up. Don't even slow down.So, from the perspective of a total noob, here I am. In all my glory, feather boa and all.Why do I want to do Short Sales? Hmmmm.... the question of the ages. Well, let's see. My broker says that Short Sales account for about 40 to 50% in our area. So there is reason #1. I'd like to earn a living.Like many uneducated uninformed people, when I first heard the term 'Short Sale', I thought that meant QUICK! Buy this house now! Then I said to myself, 'Self, maybe Short Sales means everyone has to be 5'2" or under. But no, that would be discriminating.That can't be. And they are talking about deficiencies. Lack of vitamins?' Confusion reigned complete, but only momentarily.As I researched it more (I'm an information junkie) I began to realize that Short Sales are a blessing to those who have little hope left and a light at the end of a seemingly- endless tunnel. They restore homeowners faith in their fellow man -- they restore the knowledge that someone still cares. They restore dignity.I guess that means means my number one reason just became my number 2 reason.#1. I want to be someones hero.
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