You know you will love this:


B of A foreclosed on a guy that paid CASH for his home......the guy TRIED to get it straight with B of A, they ignored him (can anyone here relate to being ignored by B of A)????


He took them to court, WON, was ignored AGAIN, and, foreclosed on the B of A branch......AWESOME!!!!!


This is what you are up against dealing with short sales.......I have a LONG list of homeonwers that are just LOVING this story.


Good stuff.


All my best to everyone handling short sales!!!!


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    great point....if you get a chance to find the interview with teh hmeowner, he said he and his attorney both sent CERTIFIED LETTERS to Sunlin that were signed for.....just a mess....big shocker to those of us dealing with these things day in and day out.


    I saw that Wells Fargo story, but, never heard if that guy actually won his lawsuit?

  • Ben, that is a great story, there was a similar story last year with Wells Fargo.  I just wonder how soon lawsuits start flying and the short sale employees are named in the suit, the ones that totally ignore all communication.
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