Hi Folks. Recently I have had two Buyers balk at providing mepersonal info I need if they want to purchase a Bank of America ShortSale. I really do understand where they coming from but....most of thebig lenders including Bank of America and GMAC are now running most oftheir short sales through http://www.Equator.com.
Supposedly the Equator system will help to shorten the time involved withgetting these Short Sales approved. From what I'm hearing Bank ofAmerica is giving approvals in 60-90 days as opposed to the 6-9 monthsthey were taking. That's a good thing.
TheEquator system is asking for some personal Buyer info. Iassume this is to make sure transactions are "arms length". If theBuyers want to purchase a Bank of America Short Sale then we have toenter the data.
The reality is it's less data than what the closing agent willwant and far less than they would have to provide if gettingfinancing. What Equator is requiring is simply:
- Date of birth
- The first 5 digits of their social security number.
- The Buyer's address.
That's all we need. No big deal. Of course the Buyers always have the option ofjust not buying a Bank of America Short Sale. I just hate to see themmiss out on a good deal over something so minor. What say you?
Here's the screen shot from Equator.
I don't think this is related to bureau pulls, btw. I think BofA can only pull a bureau for the Seller, not the Buyer. Need permissable purpose plus permission, by FCRA, and I'm pretty sure they only have that for the borrower, meaning Seller.
More likely for fraud detection, to verify bona fide buyer, I think.
Soft pull, hard pull, all the same, I think.
Just means that the inquiry is posted by the bureau as an "account review", not "credit application", hence does not enter into FICO's score calculations.
Yes that is less info than the buyer would need to give at closing and for financing, but those entities have a business relationship with those parties and a certain level of trust. We're asking them to give us all the info someone would need to steal their identity and send it over the internet, through a third parties system, into the hands of who knows how many people at the SS bank to which they have no direct business with. I understand the apprehension.
I agree with you though that they always have the option to not buy a BOA Short sale. If it's a good enough deal, the information shouldn't be a deal breaker.