"Ask real estate experts about short sales" with Mike Sher, associate broker for Max Broock Realtors in Bloomfield Hills Live chat noon Monday:

By GRETA GUEST | FILED UNDER - Business / Real Estate | 12:47 AM, Jul. 25, 2011  

Are you trying to sell your house on a short sale and running into red tape? Are you trying to buy a house on short sale?

Join our live chat Monday at noon for advice from a panel of real estate experts on how to navigate a short sale.

We’ll talk to:

• Mike Sher, associate broker for Max Broock Realtors in Bloomfield Hills

• Ellen Mahoney, president of Complete Title Services’ loss mitigation division in Birmingham

• Janet Graham, a Realtor with Hall & Hunter in Birmingham

• Jerry McCoy, a loan modification expert at Chase

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  • Mike, I like it!! that is what we need to be able to disclose!!!
  • I am happy with my record.
  • 3131603441?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024
  • Got it.  Scary that is what makes an expert.  There are plenty of people who feel very comfortable talking about a subject and have no issues with liability.  I was hoping that you would say that an expert is someone who has closed X amount of short sales with a success rate of x%.   Too many "Expert" designations out there that are way too misleading to the public. I have always said that we should be required to disclose our short sale successes on the listing side or negotiating side, especially with so many "experts" out there that have never closed a short sale but still call themselves experts because they went to a class.

  • Kim and Jeff,  Expert is a person who feels comfortable enough about the his or her subject expertise that they will assume the liability for calling themselves an expert!
  • I tend to agree with Kimberley, I hate the word expert.  Mike, what do you consider an expert?  Is it the number of short sales, percentage of successful short sales, education or a mix of the 3?  Just curious. 
  • Experts?  Hmmm..really do not like that word.  Chase continues to be one of the lamest Lenders when it comes to being on top of local BPO pricing..continuing to insist that "their" price is the one that is FMV, while the houses sit vacant and deteriorating and falling in value.  Maybe the loan modification expert can explain that????
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