A day in a short sale call.........

A day in a short sale call to a lender-It started with polite introductions, me stating my name, him asking 3 times what my name is, me stating that I was a transvestite at birth so I was originally named Robert and am now Bobbie. It took him awhile to grasp that idea :).We are then proceeding happily thru the conversation and he asked for my phone number, which I gave him. He asked if it was a land line, and I said no, so he asked for permission to call me on the cell. I responded with, as long as it's after 2:00 am and naughty in nature I am okay. He said "so I'll take that as a yes". Okay.....We then proceeded deeper into the conversation - oh, did I forget to mention I am a screamer????? -well, I am a screamer. How does that matter you might be wondering...... well, as we were conversing away, someone (unbeknowst to me) decided to poke me in my ear, which resulted in a shockingly loud, prolonged scream, into this poor man's ear. After which I proceeded to laugh uncontrollably, I mean fits of laughter. This kind gentleman stayed on the line the whole time asking how I was, and if everything was okay.We did finish the call on a more level headed tone.  Some documents did not upload to his system, so I refaxed directly to him.  He then emailed management to get this loan assigned to a short sale negotiator immediately.  I wonder if that was because he had fun with today's conversation, OR he wants to rid the bank of me?!?!?Bobbie Files, C.D.P.E.Certified Distressed Property ExpertYour Bristol and Plymouth County Realtor508-238-5000 x.296 Office508-521-9480 Direct / SMS888-570-9907 Toll Free Direct Faxbobbiefiles@kw.com EmailVisit my website at www.BerkleyMass.comVisit my YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/bobbiefilesJoin My Facebook Communityhttp://www.facebook.com/bobbiefiles.realtorSearch for Berkley Ma Homes at: http://BerkleyHomes.BerkleyMass.comSearch for Taunton Ma Homes at:http://TauntonHomes.BerkleyMass.comFor those struggling to pay your mortgage payments please visit:http://shortsales.berkleymass.com
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  • Hilarious Bobbie!
  • I try to have fun in everything I do. Sometimes it is difficult to do when dealing with lenders, but being positive and social with the banks I think gets better results. At least that is what I tell myself!!
  • Bobbie,


    That's hysterical.  I think we should all use our best attributes to get these done and if it means being a 'screamer' (I mean that in the best way - not the negative) then so be it.  You get a great big "Go On Grrrrrrl!" from me.    


    Our styles may be different, but success for our clients is our goal.  "Go ON Grrrlll!!!"  



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