does anyone have a really good escalation contact at Wells Fargo? I have got to have the world's dumbest processor who has been "reviewing" my file for 30 days. The file is in Equator. I called yesterday to find out what the hold up was because it has not been moved along to the negotiator even though the name has changed to one in Equator. The processor sends an email this mornng, asking me for second lien information. There is not a second lien. This is EXACTLY the same email she sent to me 30 days ago and which I answered. I called in again and was told that, yep, the file shows I had already answered that emal on 4/3/12 so they would send her an email and copy her supervisor. I should follow up in 48 hours if I don't hear back. We all know how lame that is and I am steaming mad. The last time she contacted me was to ask that the Buyers make their initials larger on the contract. Really? I'm not playin' anymore. You can email me at [email protected] or call 972-567-1921 if you don't want to make your best contact info at WF public. thanks!


Seriously, when are they going to start telling their minimum wage employees about the Consent Judgment?  Y'all know what I mean.

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PM me.  I have a great escalation contact.

I don't know what a PM is.  Guess that makes me lame, too?

Sorry Brenda.  Private Message me. 

Email sent. I too am FED UP with their processors and their pure ignorance.  I know that some of them read this site.  To all of the Wells Fargo processors up to the CEO.....  You should be ashamed of the way that you treat your customers and the way you treat real estate agents.  We are here to help YOU get out of the mess that YOU got yourself into.  Stop your BS, Stop with the silly games and start hiring processors who actually care about your customers.   You would certainly lose alot less money that way.  Short sales are not going anywhere, especially since you made a TON of bad loans, time to MAN UP and work with us to fix this mess.   I doubt anyone at Wells has the nerve to respond

I have your email and got a few others.  You guys rock.  I will keep you posted on the results.

Help! Help! I think I have the same dumb processor, mine was in Equator since December, I've gone through 5, yes 5 "assigned" Negotiators and today, I get a denial because the documentation does not meet the quality standards of the investor... however, we have used the same REPC on all offers NUMEROUS times where Wells Fargo is the Lender and Fannie is the Investor and have NEVER ran into this problem. I call customer service to try and get some answers and on my third escalation, I was told that he didnt know why we were denied, it may be internal with the negotiator????



I too have had many issues with Wells as of late as well. Uploading documents over and over again. Not getting clear, or any, information as to why my documents are being rejected. After phone calls, messages, and being frustrated beyond words, I left a very nasty voice mail message for my processor. Then I had a pity party for one and ate almost a half gallon of rocky road ice cream.

Pretty much as soon as I finished the ice cream, I thought wow...first off..this is about my clients and not me. I should not let my personal frustration dictate my behavior. Secondly, I need to remember that that processor is a human being struggling to get through the day just like the rest of us.  Thirdly, I need to remember that I lead by example. I also recalled the bazillion times I've said to my kids " you have two be part of the problem or part of the solution, which one are you going to be?"

The processor told me in one of our recent phone conversations that they are way behind and working overtime to catch up. It brought back memories of my long ago life as an eligibility worker for the Monterey County Welfare office. I know what it is like to have way to many files.  I know what it is like to have unrealistic expectations placed on you by management, who really has no clue what it takes to do your job. I remember feeling like those of us who could process files fast and with few errors were punished by getting extra files to process.

Mostly I remember the pure joy that came from being able to deny a file because the client had not turned everything in or what they did turn in was incorrect. Why the joy?...Denial or approval, I got credit for processing the file. A denial took a half hour and it took 3 or more hours to process an approval. As ashamed as I am to say it...yes, me, Tracey Martin...holder of a BS in social work...fighter for the those who can't fight for themselves...caring and compassionate, often at her own expense...was happy when my welfare clients failed to get their documents in so I could deny their benefits.  And while I can't compare getting an short sale  closed to approving welfare benefits, processing files is processing files.  And when you are in the thick of it, it is easy to forget that those files represent people.   

So, I sent the processor an email apologizing for the tone of the  voice mail message I left for her to listen to as she starts her day (I didn't say anything out of line, it was all about the tone, you know the tone we use with our kids when we are really mad at them.) No one should be talked to that way (well..maybe my kids, but after all I am trying to raise them to be productive, socially conscience human beings who care and contribute.)

The day after my apology call, I was given the task to upload the same document again. This time it came with an "I am sorry...but... This time I didn't let my frustration get the best of me. I just said "whatever" and did it.

If someone at Wells Fargo does reads this; the one thing I think would make this all so much easier for all of us (or at least me) is...if you reject a about you instruct the processor to give me clear instructions as to why it was rejected, the first time it is rejected. Don't make me guess what is wrong with it, I am not very good at guessing and I would not have uploaded it in the first place if I thought there was a problem with it.

Hiring enough people to actually do the job is not a bad idea either.

To Brenda, I am sure most of us on this site feel your pain. I find that Rocky Road ice cream helps. It is unfortunate that we, sometimes, have to prepare ourselves for a mountain of frustration when we take on a short sale. However, if we walk through it and get to the closing table, we have truly helped our clients walk out of Hell. The pain and frustration ends and you will have a client who will never forget what you did for them. And always remember that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and better at your job.

OK, let's be fair - we **ALL** seem to have the same lame processor at WF.  ;-)

It just is not managed.  This is the only place where I asked for a supervisor contact and the SS rep seriously told me that the negotiator doesn't have a supervisor. So I asked for this rep's supervisor. She told me that she doesn't have a supervisor.  Yes, I was impressed - and maybe her view of WF is more accurate than mine?

If you find a solution, please let us know.

Why are the negotiators always out on maternity leave once they pick a price they can settle for and we actually get it and then are denied.  I've had that happen three times!


Geesh, it must be you.  This has never happened to me and all I do is short sales.  You remind me of the woman comedian who said, "I don't have any kids - that I know of.... he he he.."  So, how do you do it?  I'd love to be able to hint to my negotiators that if they don't get a move on, they will be slowed down by maternity leave.  HA!

Thank you to those who sent the great contact information to me.  The processor did pass the file to a negotiator and sent an email to me that she "would no longer have access to the file" once she passed it along.  You have no idea how I was tempted to reply to that email.  First, I thought I would just say, "Thank God" or "I think that would be best."  She also said, "Thank you for all of your hard work.  It is really appreciated."  What happened to the processor who was sooooo hostile when I pointed out to her that she was wasting everyone's time by asking for initials to be enlarged and a "ratification" date (What?) placed on the contract next to the Seller's signatures instead of the place in the contract where it says, "Broker, enter execution date here.")  I escalate the file to the executive offices and, all of a sudden, she appreciates all of my hard work?  Now, that this wonderful processor has deemed the file as "complete" the 30-day clock starts.  It doesn't matter that it was complete when WF received the file, it isn't until THEY decide it is complete that it is complete.  Good to know.  Game on.

Now, if I could just get the Buyer's Agent to stop threatening to terminate the contract every single day because I, yes I, have "dropped the ball" and why don't I answer her twice daily emails requesting status updates, wants to know why I haven't lit a fire underneath Wells Fargo and what can I do to speed them up."  I decided I would check her out and, apparently, she's had her license for about 10 minutes and this may well be her first transaction EVER. 

Tracy, thank you for the reminder about the results and rewards of what we do but there are days and there are days.  This was definitely one of THOSE days.

Thanks to everyone who responded to my call out to the troops and yes, I will have some cheese with my whine.



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