SEE Below for update. 

3/30/12 - Wells states that the listing addendum (the one on this site) is no longer valid and cannot be used, but, of course, in all their wisdom haven't sent me a new one.  Anyone else have it or know where I can get it? 

Also, asking for an 'Assignability Clause Addendum' which they haven't sent me either, but non-assignability is already stated on Wells Purchase Contract Addendum on line 4?  Anyone have that one too? 


UPDATE: 9/14/12 - RE: Assignability Clause Addendum - Even though it's on their forms already - they want you to have seller/buyer sign an addendum that YOU create (they don't actually have an formal addendum for this). Here's what I was finally told it had to say after asking quite a few times:

"Buyer and Seller agree that under no circumstances will this purchase agreement contract be assignable or transferrable."


That's it! - They haven't realized yet that we can't read their minds and that when they ask us to get a specific addendum signed, they should provide it and/or tell us what it has to say ; ))))

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Response from Wells - for new Wells Listing Addendum - I have to provide the addendum? But they are not accepting the one that's on this forum - where to look?

I found this one online. not sure what the publish date is on it.Wells Fargo Listing Addendum


It was on a group called Short Sale Specialist Network


Hope it works.

Thanks Beth - yet not knowing 'when' it was created cause a dilemma. 

BTW - I was told I would have to provide the addendum.  I asked them if they didn't have an addendum, what would they want me to 'say' on the listing addendum.  I received an email back to just put the 'cancellation clause' from the old addendum onto the listing agreement and have it initialed.

Hi Kim, I checked 6-7 other sites and all seem to be using the one I attached. Today I had a B of A rep tell me to keep the property active for 120 days even though we have an accepted offer. I explained our MLS requires all properties to be moved to a back up status once a offer is accepted and she nearly short circuited on the phone. I explained that back up is still considered an active status. The maximum fine for failure to follow MLS rules in California is $15,000. If  the bank is willing to sign a letter stating they will accept responsibility for the fines if they occur I will proceed as directed.



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