I need to escalate a HAFA short sale being processed by UTLS.. the so called negotiator or marketing specialist... is not responding to emails or calls. The counter-offer was accepted and new HUD-1 was provided but all efforts to get it moving forward has not being successfully. I need to escalate to get this going.

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We (the buyers) are in the same situation. Please let me know if you find a way to escalate with utls. Our sellers realtor has left 30 voicemails and over 45 emails with zero response in months from utls or bofa.


While they don't like it email the "negotiator" directly, twice a day and call and leave voicemails.  If you don't have their email if they are with UTLS it is simply the first letter of their first name and their last name @utls.com  Then I usually send messages in Equator and check every person on the list.  

I just got a UTLS file to give us a counter on the home.  The counter has been accepted by the buyer and we are moving forward.  

Absolutely typical.  2 real problems: these companies are overloaded; and much negotiator work is really done by a hidden negotiator at BOA.  Frequently, escalations at these sub-companies are just emails to BOA people who know nobody can get to them or find out who they are.  Larry's suggestion is good - keep the heat on, also call in and ask for escalations.

Another avenue is to call the BOA SS rep and complain about the lack of response.  You will actually get an escalation on the BOA side.  After doing those, I would then either call the office of the president to tell them what I need or use the bofa_help twitter - not sure which at this point.  Then if that does nothing, I would try the other.

This lays the groundwork for any complaint as being legit and substantial.  Also, along the way, one of these is likely to get things moving, including replacing the negotiator if necessary.

I too have a file that's being IGNORED by UTLS. One aloof telephone person after another. (I remember praying for the day Countrywide would go away.. be careful what you wish for...they turn into B of A!!) It's amazing how less busy these "bunglers" would be if they spent more time doing the job and less time making excuses!! Aaargh!



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