Chase not returning calls - How often should I or Realtor call?



I am the seller (not a Realtor). We submitted a contract to Chase on 6/24. A Negotiator was assigned a month later. As of 8/4 we have not heard from this person. In the past I have called the Customer Service line for updates a couple times a week. After the Negotiator was assigned I called his number a couple times a week and left messages. I have also sent him a couple of faxes requesting that he contact the Realtor or attorney. Still nothing from anyone at Chase. In the past I tired calling the Negotiators supervisors line because the extension given for the Negotiator did not function. He never returned my call either - but the Negotiators extension was working soon after I left the message.  What am I doing wrong? I have asked my Realtor to call Chase as well. We have a contract for 90 days. Right now we are approaching the 60 day point. It seems to me the Realtor should be doing a little more then what he is doing. Am I wrong??  I have sent my Realtor a note requesting that he call Chase and leave a message. I have also sent him a note saying that I have the Negotiators supervisors number and that of the department manager. How should I handle this?  Does the Realtor have a better chance of getting through to Chase then I do? and if so, I would think he would be making more calls...  

Any advice.. Thanks.. 

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I can understand your frustration.    As a Realtor calling to check on the file regularly is key.  I found that we can be more effective by having the seller engage as well.  This is great that you are getting involved.  Sadly dealing with Chase getting approvals is a bear.


If you believe that Chase is not responding - I am not sure if your short sale qualifies under HAFA guidelines you and your agent should check.  There is some specific timelines that must be met.  Also, you escalate by calling Executive Resolution Group - 866-605-9253 - they will assign an analyst to review the case and perhaps help them move it forward.  It takes 2-4 business days but they do call you.

Thanks Jose - I do not qualify for HAFA..  As such, can I still call the 866 number?



As customer of Chase you advocate on your own behalf - there is no reason as to why not escalate.  The key here is to make productive so what I have found helpful is to have a very target list - of concerns that you want to address for example:


1.  Presented an offer from a qualified buyer X# of days back

2.  I can't get the negotiator to call me on the status

3.  We have provided all the documentation that was required etc...


Is a phone call and it may work - it will take them 3-4 days to assign someone but they will.

It's my experience the lenders are more willing to talk to the Sellers than the Realtors.  This just shows you a little of the difficulty your Realtor has in dealing with Chase.

Chase has always been a PITA as far as communication, in my experience.  On one current file I left 26 voice messages and 9 faxes before I got ONE return telephone call - this from a negotiator (and his supervisor) who's outgoing voice mail message says 'i'll return calls within one business day'.


Keep calling.  Call the executive office.  Call regular customer service.  All you can do is keep calling, calling, calling and hounding them.


As for the Executive Office Resolution Group...they have no real power other than to make inquiries on your behalf.  Still open a complaint with them, but don't expect that they will get anything done for you.



Great - Thanks to all who responded..  I plan to keep on them with messages, faxes, and resolution group...  I figure all they can do is say no...  At least at that point they will have said something... I will continue to try and make contact every three days or so...  I will call the Negotiator, his supervisor, and the resolution group often (being respectful and polite with each call and/or fax)..    

Best of luck - sadly Chase is one of the worst if not the worst for resolution - but keep it clean document - show good will - document again... best of luck.

I have one with Chase now where the originally assigned negotiator was actually a ghost; He had moved to another department and the file was sitting on his non-existent virtual desk for over 3 weeks.  And yes, his voicemail said "returns calls in one day" as well. I won't divulge the other BS I've been dealing with Chase until after it closes. Let's just say the Nevada attorney general will be getting involved.


You are doing the right things. Have your agent call Executive Resolution as suggested and have him speficially ask, "are you sure the negotiator still works there?"

Short Sale Experts - I just received an email from my Realtor. He tells me Chase sent a fax to him this afternoon (Friday) with a counter offer of $145K to the $135K offer we received. They have asked that an addendum be returned by Monday the 8th. That seems odd that they would send a fax on Friday and ask that the addendum be returned by Monday. They have also asked that I complete a form 1126 from Freddie Mac. I just sent a note to my Realtor saying that if needed I can contribute $5K to help the sale. Can we use me contributing money to the cause as a term for granting a full release? 

Is Chase sending a note out on Friday and expecting a signed counter offer by the following Monday normal? I am still in shock that Chase contacted my Realtor today with this request. We have gone almost 60 days with hearing nothing from them and then - boom they send a fax with a counter that must be signed one business day later... Thanks...

You probably don't want to say anything about what you would contribute on this/any website. It is fully "google-able"



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