We have been referred to Myra Peal at GMAC, who is a negotiator for a short sale. Has anyone ever dealt with Myra?

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Hi from Idaho,

Curious...did you get your deal done with Myra? We have a second with GMAC and she is our negotiator...we have battled over the payoff for months. Granted it is nearly a six figure second. She has not been responsive at all!! She doesn't reply to emails or voice mail. Any ideas or help would be appreciated! We need a good escalation contact at GMAC. Thanks!
She never did respond. I prayed, specifically about getting an answer on my deal, and BELIEVED that I would speak to the person who would be able to get one for me, an approval is what I was believing for, and called one Saturday morning. I got the office manager, a real person, who was able to tell me what I needed to do in order to get my deal done. He told me that if I would have my title person send by fax a letter that said they would close (which was the following Friday) that he would get me what I needed. Even though my loan was for $150,000, and they accepted $15,000, and had to get two investors to agree to that, they got us the letter we were waiting for the day before the closing and we closed. It was a miracle. Call me if you want more details. 970-690-6990

Pamela Walsh said:
Hi from Idaho,

Curious...did you get your deal done with Myra? We have a second with GMAC and she is our negotiator...we have battled over the payoff for months. Granted it is nearly a six figure second. She has not been responsive at all!! She doesn't reply to emails or voice mail. Any ideas or help would be appreciated! We need a good escalation contact at GMAC. Thanks!
Has anyone ever dealt with Chris? It all started out very efficiently and there was no wasted time waiting .....for an answer that was totally unworkable and the deal died. Does anyone know how to get one escalated (as with Bank of America) or does anyone have a number i can call to get more answers?



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