Does anyone have experience dealing with Cal HFA? (California Housing Finance Agency)

I am also looking for any email formats for them?

Thank you!!

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I am running 1 SS with CalHFA at the moment, my first. I have 1 email address and the format is [email protected]
Thank you Steve! Are you having any luck with them as far as communications?

Steve Lewis said:
I am running 1 SS with CalHFA at the moment, my first. I have 1 email address and the format is [email protected]
I think I have finally made a breakthrough. The negotiator assigned to my file has been difficult to get a hold of and was not returning calls etc. I finally got a hold of her supervisor and received a call from the negotiator a few days later. She was to get the appraisal ordered and get things moving. heard nothing for a week. I then faxed the supervisor a time line of SS pack submission, my call log etc., and asking her for some help to get things moving. Next day got a call from an assistant to the negotiator, got her email addy and a list of things to be updated that she required. Hopefully things will keep moving forward at this point and I can get an approval shortly.
Hi Debbie, I am getting ready to take on a CalHFA short sale. Apparently the grants that were made on the home have been posted as a 2nd and 3rd loan. Can you tell me how your experience has gone with them and any insight you can offer? Thanks!
Does anyone know if CalHFA requires their specific package to start a short sale? I found their required items list on their website, but they do NOT make it clear where to send the package to and if they have a specific CalHFA package that they want used.

If anyone can help shorten our learning curve, it would be oh so appreciated :-)

Jan & Angie

debbie rumsey said:
Thank you Steve! Are you having any luck with them as far as communications?

Steve Lewis said:
I am running 1 SS with CalHFA at the moment, my first. I have 1 email address and the format is [email protected]
I have the same type of short sale going on. CalHFA has a 2nd and 3rd TD, serviced by the same bank that has the 1st TD, Bank of America. Did you have any luck getting approval on your short sale? Was it difficult to get approval, or did the primary servicer take care of the CalHFA loans?

Scott R. Fuller said:
Hi Debbie, I am getting ready to take on a CalHFA short sale. Apparently the grants that were made on the home have been posted as a 2nd and 3rd loan. Can you tell me how your experience has gone with them and any insight you can offer? Thanks!

Jan, Shanna, and All,

How did your short sales turn out with CalHFA?

Any tips you can share?

I just took on a listing for one.



Michele Peterson

Jan Hickerson said:

Does anyone know if CalHFA requires their specific package to start a short sale? I found their required items list on their website, but they do NOT make it clear where to send the package to and if they have a specific CalHFA package that they want used.

If anyone can help shorten our learning curve, it would be oh so appreciated :-)

Jan & Angie

debbie rumsey said:
Thank you Steve! Are you having any luck with them as far as communications?

Steve Lewis said:
I am running 1 SS with CalHFA at the moment, my first. I have 1 email address and the format is [email protected]

My CalHFA short sale closed.  CalHFA did not give me any trouble, but I was glad that the negotiator told me right up front that they won't approve a HAFA short sale due to the relocation assistance money that the seller receives.  So I had to do the regular short sale instead of HAFA, even though my seller was qualified for the program.  Also, CalHFA required $1000 from the first lender to release the lean for each of its loans (there were two CalHFA silent seconds on this one).



Can someone confirm it is still true that CalHFA will not approve a HAFA short sale?  We are just starting one, and my client is approved for HAFA.  Thanks in advance.

Hi Ian, 

When I had a Cal HFA short sale listing in 2011, they did not participate HAFA.  I do not think they have changed their policy.




Thanks for the reply.

Mine just has a single loan..Lets hope it goes as smoothly as yours did.


Michele Peterson

Hi Everybody,


I currently have a short sale with Cal HFA.  If you have any update about your Cal HFA listing, please share with me.  Thanks!





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