Equator is asking for the most 2 recent paystubs but my homeowner is unemployed. I do not want the file to be rejected but uploading nothing......anyone run into this before?

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Thanks So Much Tiffany!
Happens a lot.  Just have them sign a statement that they are unemployed. If they are getting unemployment pay, the lender will want to see a copy of the letter stating how much they receive and for how long.

If they are unemployed and do receive unemployment, but direct deposits to bank with no pay stub statement, you must show the deposits on the bank statements. I have circled the direct deposits and sent that in with an explanation.

I have also had those who do not collect unemployment that are unemployed, the letter must be type written with a hand written signature ... yes, picky, but that is what they required, they rejected an email by client.

Be patient and all will go good. Good luck.



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