Did anyone take my advice and contact Ronald Faris and the reporter that did the article about him?

Just curious if anyone has tried what I mentioned and called out Ronald Faris and his reporter?

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I emailed Ron Faris, he didn't respond directly but he may have delegated this issue. It's hard to tell because I emailed a lot of people at Ocwen. I did get a response. Ocwen isn't so bad once you reach somebody in the USA and at a higher level.
Wendy, that is awesome! Great job!

Wendy Smith said:
I emailed Ron Faris, he didn't respond directly but he may have delegated this issue. It's hard to tell because I emailed a lot of people at Ocwen. I did get a response. Ocwen isn't so bad once you reach somebody in the USA and at a higher level.
OK OCWEN superstars, I want to know how many of you complaining about OCWEN have contacted the reporter that did a very nice article on OCWEN and Ron Faris? Wendy Smith was successful escalating her file.........
Hello Jeff, what a wonderful webiste! Iam having problems with a short sale at Ocwen and am NOW going to send Ron Faris an email...wish me luck, I will report the outcome!
I have left a voicemail for the reporter and not heard back yet although not left long ago. I also tried many of the President, CEO numbers posted by you back in Feb. which of course are now disconnected. :( I tried the Ombudsman # and UNBELIEVABLEY got their hold music and then their AWFUL customer service line like you would when you call the normal customer service number???? Not sure what that is about other than NOT helping mediate anything. Guess I'll keep looking and trying numbers. I am willing to speak to ANYONE in that company high up about this situation if they can help. I am running out of time!!

I recently sent Ocwen a request for approval of my short sale in which Ocwen is the second lien holder. Usually I get a 4 day approval via fax; contacting Ron Faris' office helps, since I think his office lights a fire under the negotiator. The negotiator tells me to e-mail her or phone, but if I do so, she does not acknowledge the e-mail nor the phone call. It has been 3  days now, so I will contact Ron Faris.


Will keep you all posted.



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