I have a short sale offer and all necessary documentation ready for submission. Property has been forclosed on. What do I do with my offer?? - Does it still go to Equator ? Do I have to wait for it to be REO listed ? Would Recontrust accept an offer now ? Any suggestions or help wpould be greatlt appreciated. 




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I think you are going to have to wait for the REO....
+1 on CJ's comment

CJ Wright said:
I think you are going to have to wait for the REO....
Any idea how long it takes BofA to get it into the system ?

CJ Wright said:
I think you are going to have to wait for the REO....
Any idea how long it takes BofA to get it into the system ?
Too many unknowns to really hazard an opinion. It could be days, or it could take more than a year. Some lenders won't turn right around and put a property on the market if they have other similar properties within a short radius. Others don't really care. Also depends on condition of the home (whether it needs to yet be trashed out, repairs made, property secured, etc.). In Florida, watch for a sign in the yard/window as the REO agents will post for it for THEIR buyers to see in hopes of selling it BEFORE it gets to the MLS. Slip the neighbor a couple of 'cookies' to watch it and call you when something happens....

CJ Wright said:
Too many unknowns to really hazard an opinion. It could be days, or it could take more than a year. Some lenders won't turn right around and put a property on the market if they have other similar properties within a short radius. Others don't really care. Also depends on condition of the home (whether it needs to yet be trashed out, repairs made, property secured, etc.). In Florida, watch for a sign in the yard/window as the REO agents will post for it for THEIR buyers to see in hopes of selling it BEFORE it gets to the MLS. Slip the neighbor a couple of 'cookies' to watch it and call you when something happens....
In our area lately, if the property is vacant WITHOUT personal property, they have been getting them on the market within 15 days of the foreclosure sale.

Barry Danels said:
Any idea how long it takes BofA to get it into the system ?
Good Luck! I had short sale offer in the negotiator (using the term loosely) sent me an email stating the closing cost were too high, no specifics, deleted the file from Equator then escalated the Trustte Sale to the next day. I think you have towait until it shows up on the REO list. Has any had any luck getting REO listings by signing up on the Recon Trust REO web site?



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