So, I get an email from my BoA negotiator (this is a non-equator deal for some reason) dated on a Saturday morning that says 'I'm sorry it took so long to respond to your emails.  Please send me updated bank statements and pay stubs by Monday and I will submit to QC".

I get the email Monday, and request the documents from my client, who gets them to me the same day.  I email them in at 5:15 p.m. CST.

However the negotiator had closed the file by then.

BoA didn't even give me 8 working hours to fulfill the request.

To boot, they didn't inform either the client or myself that they closed the file, even in reply to the three emails I sent asking for status updates after I emailed the documents in.

When confronted the negotiator says "I don't control the timeline.  As soon as I request it if I don't have them in 48 hours the system closes the file". Now, I've never had that happen to me before, and the fact that she's counting the weekend in her 48 hours seems a little ridiculous.

Am I on an island here, or has anyone else had this loopy crap happen to them from BoA?

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I got one on December 23rd at 5pm....nice right?  48 hour turn time.



I had the same thing happen to me around Christmas. Giving me 48 hours to do something on 23rd of December. And few other times with different files.But usually, when you have good negotiator and you ask for extension, he/she will grant it- NOTE - good negotiator. So, my advice is: If you see that there will be nothing but issues with negotiator ( and you could see with this one that it would be), let them close the file as soon as possible. Chances are that next one will be better. Really....I don't know why and maybe it is only my experience but it happens all the time. So, do not worry. You are probably better off. Just start fresh.   

These are changes made by BofA and WF jast June - this insane demand for any response w/in 3 calendar days. I've had many problems with several files because of this - closed over and over, at least 1 week delay on restart - I have one that has required HUD to call WF at least 3 times and is not yet to where they killed it last november.

One negotiator told me this 3 day thing is a change by the investor. I had assumed that it was the banks' reaction to the lawsuit for having large delays in short sales. With this change, they often now claim that the agent did not respond in time - not the bank's fault for anything.

Freddie called me about a file today and the guy was taking notes when I complained about this policy that he was unaware of. Gee, so investors actually want to maximize their return and not keep paying banks to put in hoops to kill short sales? Hmmm..

In your case, you could be talking FHA or possibly one of the sub-companies like DTS (but I think they all go through Equator - just that they can be obtuse like you mention). FHA was much worse at BofA last year - you could get no response for weeks and then something inane after you pushed it (rep would tell you that they are not allowed to bother the negotiator until the negotiator has not replied to you for 20 BUSINESS DAYS!). You pretty much are dealing with extremely low level people at BofA each of which has a tiny piece of responsibility and control - no big picture. The absurd demands can be extremely frustrating - especially when you know there is no brain behind the demand and not much you can do about it. They want the comma to be blue? Well, make it blue or the file is dead.

Your best direction is to tweet to @BofA_HELP and complain about what happened to you. If this is FHA, it is probably good to send your authorization to HUD then call them to complain about your treatment - if you are still waiting for BofA to get moving on the file again. (If there is nothing for HUD to immediately correct, then you are "just complaining" and probably wasting time at HUD.)

Escalate to management to put the heat on them .. but more than likely you will have to comply with their requests and re initiate.



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