Military PCS Eligibility
• Military personnel only.
• PCS orders dated 1 Feb 2006 thru 30 Sep 2010*.
• Must have purchased home prior to 1 Jul 2006.
• County, parish, city home values must have declined at least 10%.
• Individual home value must have declined at least 10%.
It doesn't seem to matter what kind of hit the bank will take, they don't seem to want to cooperate with anyone. You'd think military relocation would be a no-brainer. I wish we could qualify for HAP but we don't have orders sending us to PHX, so that one small thing disqualifies us. Have you looked into the Military HAP program? It's amazing if you qualify.
I would love someone to compare notes with. We have 2 offers sent into our bank and are waiting to be assigned to a negotiator.....which seems to be what takes the longest. I have been pushing my realtor to tell SunTrust that this is a military relocation and ask for the process to be expedited. I am getting a little discouraged by reading a lot of the comments on this site, but hope that by some miracle it won't be that bad.
Military PCS Eligibility
• Military personnel only.
• PCS orders dated 1 Feb 2006 thru 30 Sep 2010*.
• Must have purchased home prior to 1 Jul 2006.
• County, parish, city home values must have declined at least 10%.
• Individual home value must have declined at least 10%.