Third Party Negotiator


I am finding myself having no time to do anymore negotiation and is looking into outsourcing the tasks to someone else so that I could handle more listing appointments.  I just wanted to get feedback on whose on here does not negotiate on their own S/S either because they're too busy with listing appointments, doesn't like to negotiate, etc.  And what is your thought on a National Company vs other realtor vs local attorney?  I am more concerned about potential liability down the road and would like to minimize my exposure to it. 

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  • Wow..busy guy!  I handle my own because I want to know exactly where they are.  If I were to get any help, it would definately be in house. 

  • I am also a third party negotiator that operates nationwide.  Most importantly, ask who your potential negotiator represents (the should represent seller) ask whet their average turn around time is, ask what your role in the process will be, and be very clear on how they are being paid.  Most negotiators will try to take a piece of your commission, which I think is not acceptable. Above all, make sure you get referrals of their clients, brokers, and attorneys that they work with and ask them what their experience was. The number one complaint that I hear regarding third party negotiators (attorneys included) is lack of communication.

  • I would check into the laws in your state.  Make sure you know what is legal and not legal for 3rd party negotiators and then ask around to see who others recommend.  I am a 3rd party negotiator and most of my referrals come from other homeowners or agents.  We ALSO use attorneys throughout the transaction to "oversee" contracts, approvals etc. 

    I personally like working with local agents but we have closed in other states.  When I do that I need an EXCELLENT list agent involved.

  • Hi Trong,

    Just like Bryant I handle my as well, though I have tried to use a title company and they dropped the ball, then I tried to use a local negotiating company.. they completely messed up the file sending me wrong status and now I handle them myself. 

  • I have an assistant who does most of my processing ( ie gathering paperwork, faxing, uploading stuff to equator, making follow up calls...) which is the most time consuming part but I still do my own negotiating. Actual negotiating does not take up too much time of any short sale. Its more all the processing. I say go in house. Its cheaper and you retain more control of the transaction.

  • I sent you a friend request and may be able to help you:)

    • Becky,


      I have sent you a message, I hope to hear from you soon.  Thanks!

  • Trong. I handle my own because 'i enjoy it. If I ever got to busy to handle it I would bring in someone in house as my first option.

    You could also use a program as Short Sale Commander to handle the short sales. Not only does their platform keep things organized but they also have an agreement with a nationwide negotiation company that will handle your negotiations.

    Check it out here.

    They are members of this site and this is an affiliate link.

    And more info here:

    • Bryant,


      Is the company that handles the negotiation for Short Sale Commander licensed in the state of WA to negotiate short sale? 

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