Surprise! I just declared BK...

I am still in the initial stages of vetting the seller and getting my ducks in a row... but I just found out that the Seller declared BK and has about 3 more weeks before her 341 meeting.

Other than not being able to talk about work-out options without consent from the BK attorney, are there any other considerations I need to think about with regards to a BK and short sale?

I am assuming that if the house is not exempted from the BK, then I will have to add on another 30 days for the attorney to petition the courts to allow the SS once we receive and offer and before the bank will even look at it.

But... will the bank (SPS) review the homeowner for HAFA while in BK?

This is a non-GSE loan.

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  • Drew, Ask the seller what Chapter they filed, most common is CH 7,  In my area, if you send the BK trustee your ATP, the offer, all amrs length dox, a copy of the prem HUD, they will let you move forward with the short sale.  the isssue is sometimes getting the file out of the BK department with the sellers mortgage company and back with the short sale dept or loss mitt..  Call me, and I can try to help.  651-430--7515


    • Thanks Jackie.... This is actually, is not an FHA short sale, so thus, no ATP.  SPS would not release the file to the SS department while still in BK.  Fortunately, the Seller requested a dismissal of the BK so she could do a SS.

  • Hi, Drew: You mentioned that the servicer is SPS. However this turns out, I recently got the run around from them and finally learned that the loan was in their BANKRUPTCY department. So there's a heads up for you. Ask for that Department, when you are finally able to call in.

  • This is a small fact that my bankruptcy lawyer either overlooked or didn't bother to tell me that could have damaged my credit further if I had listened to her and filed chapter 7 (thankfully i didn't). If the mortgage is HUD/FHA backed and is going through a short sale, FHA Pre-Foreclosure Sale (PFS) outlined mortgagee letter 2008-43 states that if the mortgagee goes through the short sale program in good faith but, does not sell the house and the mortgagor forecloses on the property they CAN NOT pursue a deficency judgement in court afterwards. Other than defaulting on my mortgage I was able to rescue my credit after my divorce and was able to finally sell my house last week through a short sale (BOA was my mortgage company) and it only took a shade under 3 years to complete.

    If your client is pursuing bankruptcy soley on the premise of avoiding a deficency judgement (like I was going to do) and is an FHA backed mortgage you might want to advise him to hold off on filing. Not all bankruptcy lawyers are trying to line their pockets on the backs of people in a financial bind but, I think mine was. 

    • Oops, I didn't realize GSE meant government sponsored enterprise, I'll take my 2 cents back and be on my way.

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