Short Sale Seminars

Recently I set out to focus on conducting short sale seminars once a month.  This Saturday I held one, and not one individual came out.  I received verbal commitments, but no showings.  In January I had 5 individuals show that were buying or selling.  Can someone advise of a different strategy that may encourage others to come out?  I posted on Craig’s list, my data base, sent mailings, and flyers in the parking lot of the grocery store.  What can I do different to attract homeowners who need help, and buyers that will be purchasing within the next 12-24 months?  Help?  It's time to prepare for the next one.

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  • I have seen colleagues use skype or have a presentation on youtube, after the presentation, they are encouraged to make an appointment for additional steps to financial relief. 

    Personally, I just let the marketplace know that "I am finally available to start private consultation appointments starting the week of x and space is filling up quick".  "If you are facing foreclosure or have questions on short sales, please contact me at your earliest convenience to set up a confidential in-home appointment".

  • Any time Alyce!

    Thought of another FREE advertising vehicle based on an email I received for another event. allows you to setup an event and collect information online about the attendee. They get a "ticket" to the event and you decide what information you want to collect. I would keep it simple. And if you decide to charge a fee, I beleive EB charges you a fee also. (Yes, I'm asking again that if you decide to use the service, please use the link as the referral code for me. We all love a referral, don't we?)

  • Love it, Carolyn!  Great info thank you!!!
  • Wanda, I am planning to do the same type of seller seminar four times a month -- Thursday nights (Week 1 & 3) and Saturday morning (Week 2 & 4). Hoping for a week 5 so I can rest! LOL!

    I plan to market by advertising:

    • Advertise on craigslist and with local bloggers
    • Simple bandit/curb/corner signs that say FREE SEMINAR FORECLOSURE PREVENTION THIS SATURDAY AT 11:00AM NAME OF LOCATION CALL ###-###-#### TO REGISTER.
    • Listing in local newspapers in the FREE section for local real estate events (and non-real estate)
    • Mailing/Dropping flyers to the homes in the communities around the location -- especialle those with a high foreclosure rate.
    • Dropping flyers at hair salons, barber shops, tax companies, accountants, medical office and anywhere else they will let me place the flyers

    Now my flyers will be very simple. no date, just outlines the location and the dates as listed above. I'm going to hold them in two different counties, but each date and location will be listed. Never know where someone lives when they pick up the flyer.


    I am going to request that the local grocery stores help sponsor the events by proving 50%-100% off a tray or two of sandwiches, chips and store brand bottled water for the evening sessions.


    The most important part to get them to come is to send them a reminder. So when you register them be sure to get either an email address or phone number -- prefer both. Then you can email a reminder and/or call them individually or use a service like to send out a broadcast message. (Side Note: If anyone should decide to use the service, please use me as a referral. My code is 21114. Thanks!)

    In my email I also plan to mention is giveaway of a $25 Gift Certificate. I get these for FREE using to search the web using Google. (Another Side Note: If anyone should decide to use this service, please use me as a referral. My code is CarolineSimmons (one word). Thanks!).


    Hope these idea help. I'm still in the planning stages. Let me know how your next seminar goes. Enjoy!

  • Wanda, like any seminar, you can't try it a few times and give up.  Hold the seminar at the same time and place each month or week but be consistent.  Get push in yard signs and stick them in the ground at corners of busy streets, you will need alot of them because they will be taken down or blown away but they are cheap enough.  Get your vendors, title, lender etc to sponsor it and have them help spread the word also.  Does your office have a lighted sign that you could advertise on?   Even if no one shows up, keep trying, invite other agents just to have warm bodies to talk in front of.  Print the back side of your business cards that say "free stop foreclosure seminar, 2nd Tuesday of each month, 7PM at the library"  or something like that. Blog about it and email blast it out to your database regularly.  Be purposeful and set appts with attornies, CPAs, financial advisors and ask them who they know that you could help out and invite them to your seminar.  i believe that you will need to do this for months or even a year before you will get consistancy in attendance.   Saturdays this time of the year are tough to get any attendance, try a weeknight and provide some light finger foods and refreshments.
  • Thanks Bill,

    I won't be able to charge due to being held at the library, but I will try marketing to one or the other.  Next month’s plan is to market apartment renters and informing them about the process during a small portion of the briefing. 


    My theory is homeowner's are shameful in the event of someone noticing them at this seminar?


  • Some say that if you charge for the seminars people may perceive more value. A small charge such as $5 or $10.

    The way the marketing material is written could determine the turnout. Check out the way others advertise for their seminars for suggestions.

    Would buyers be interested in the same seminar as sellers? Perhaps marketing one seminar for buyers and another for sellers would help.

    I haven't done any of these so I don't know if these suggestions will be of value, but I thought I would brainstorm and perhaps something will trigger more ideas for you. Keep on trying and good luck.

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