Does anyone know the next step when the negotiator wants to close the file stating we don't have a reason why we can't make our payments based on our bank statement (shows $400 balance at end of month) and financial affidavit (showing $1200 deficit monthly). Also 4 months behind on payments. Hardship is excessive credit card debt aquired in the last 2 years from medical/legal costs with special needs child. (last three mortgage payments were made with credit cards.) Also my employer is eliminating my position and I have opportunity to transfer with company out of state for more money. We have good offer in and BPO came in line with offer. I don't want to miss the chance to close this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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  • Ditto to what Bryant said.

    Let the moron close out the file and then just resubmit everything. The chances of the file getting assigned to the same idiot are negligible. And, Kimberly is right - they will close out files if they have paperwork missing or if they ask for something and you don't supply it right away. (<- one of my pet peeves - they can take forever, but when they want something from you it had better arrive tomorrow).
  • My experience with Chase is exactly what Bryant suggests..let them close the file, don't panic. Update all your financials, re-submit and get another negotiator assigned. It's just luck of the draw with the negotiators..don't take it too personal. Keep your head down, and put one foot in front of the other once again...
  • The negotiator some time needs to make sure all the paperwork are in order. have you consider sending a copy of all bills with your letter. If yu state you position clearly maybe they will consider. Let me know how it works out.
  • Jason. Sometimes the best way forward in this situation is to let them close the file them resubmit. A new negotiator may have a different opinion. And make sure your financial statement is as accurate as you can get it. Don't omit any details. And of course we always recommend you seek legal advice.
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