New to Short Sales Process

I just recently started working with one of my sellers on a short sale. Previously, I've had clients contact companies that handle short sales. I've now listened to the Short Sale Program by Bryant and Wendy along with do a Certified Short Sale Professional online package. The companies I've worked with are either not realtors or have been realtors but solely working with short sales. They have incorporated their company and name or are under a LLC. How do most Realtors handle their short sales? As a realtor through their real estate company or have you set up a company either by incorporating or Limited Liability.

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  • Bryant is correct and as for me, I handle them myself and would not dream of letting someone else handle my business. Follow the instructions and submit a complete package and follow up regularly and your short sale will get approved.
  • Cheryl, Unless you are a broker you must handle short sales through the company where your licensed is hung. Listing and selling short sales is a regular real estate activity and requires a license. Now there are companies that only handle the negotiations and they may very well operate outside of their license. Much of this depends on your State's laws.
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