
  • Hi David. Another good way to find a referral for a company is your escrow company. Many of the Selling agents are paid through them so if your escrow company should see some companies come through often that stand out. They will be able to tell you how it is working with them and if they have to ask them for docs or complete their files.
  • Hi Trina,  I also negotiate in California, let me know if you need any help (yes, I am licensed).  I do have a proven track record, an excellent tack record.  I have been at this since 2005 and even teach real estate agents too. "hello @"  David please do not hesitate to contact me.  :)Alyce

  • Yes!  Keep asking for referrals because you need to see a proven track record before you hand your business over.  I'm in California so if you're in California, I recommend The Shortsale Matrix,  They operate in California but the principal trains nationally.  Contact them for a referral in your state.
  • if you are still looking for help, drop me an email and we can set up a time to discuss ear-to-ear.

    h e l l o @ f i n e r a s s e t . c o m

    This is a junk address, I don't post my primary email address on websites.

    Looking forward to speaking with you.


  • The Property is in Wisconsin

    Alyce Nelson said:

    I have a few EXCELLENT, 3rd party negotiators, in what state is the listing?  The state makes a diference, they don't all work in every state...  With the right negotiator control is not an issue...


  • I have a few EXCELLENT, 3rd party negotiators, in what state is the listing?  The state makes a diference, they don't all work in every state...  With the right negotiator control is not an issue...


  • Why not team up with another who has the connections and know -how on processing a short sale file for submission to WFB? You may be more ready then you thought and you don't lose control of your deal that way.

  • Hi David. There are companies that can be hired to handle negotiations. You may want to to check the laws in your State first to see  if a license is required.


    Where are you located? If you are in Florida I have worked as a co-broker on listings where you sell the property and I handle the short sale. We just split the listing side commission. Let me know if I can help.


    Your sellers may also just consider hiring an attorney.

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