
  • Persistence is the key.  This ALWAYS happens to me with BoA and REDC/AMC.  You just have to keep poking away and escalating.  I too heard that REDC and AMC were 'fired', but they keep taking files and screwing them up.

  • This happened to me 3 weeks ago and I had to get a Supervisor on the phone from REDC and they had to re-assign the file back to me with my correct email on Equator.  Took them 24 hours to get it done but I was persistent.

  • Thank you everyone!

  • Lord I ran into this last year.  It was a nightmare.  I was told by a BofA rep earlier this week that they weren't using REDC anymore because they'd received so many complaints.  Maybe check back with BofA.

  • Contact the twitter team at @bofa_help  they will get you sorted out quickly

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