We subitted an offer on a Wells Fargo FHA preforeclosure.  In the offer we stated that the home was located in the path of a major hail storm and requested that the insurance company be notified.  If hail damage was found the seller agreed that the storm damage items, including the roof, would be replaced according to the insurnace claim/settlement and that the buyer would be responsible for the sellers deductible so the seller was out zero money.  The insurance company sent an adjuster out who agreed the roof, as well as various other items were damaged by the storm and were covered by the homeowners insurance policy.  A claim was opened and the first check for repairs was issued in late November.

The offer was accepted by the seller, later accepted by Wells, and approved by HUD.  The loan is cleared to close for the buyer.  But now, there seems to be some hang up with getting the insurance claim check endorsed by Wells or a letter issued stating that the second depreciation check will also be endorsed which may not arrive until after closing.  The roof HAS to be installed before closing and the contractor has to have the first check endorsed by Wells and a committment that the second check will be released before he will begin replacing the roof. 

We are now three weeks into having an accepting and approved offer by all parties but cannot close because Wells keeps passing the buck on who can or will endorse the check.  If this isn't resolved ASAP the buyer will not be able to purchase this home.  We have been working this offer since the first of November and it seems ridiculous that we are down to something as simple as Wells endorsing the insurance claim check so that we can close.  Since this was IN the offer that Wells accepted I don't understand how this can be an issue. 

Any help or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!

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  • I am dealing with a similar issue on a BofA FHA deal and have learned a lot.  The short sale dept really don't read the contract in my opinion nor care so you need to be dealing the the Property Claims Department directly.   At least for BofA, they have a very specific procedure for property insurance claims on delinquent loans and we had to get the roofer set-up as an approved vendor I the BofA system, before they would issue the check.  Once you make the Property Claims Dept happy, the rest should fall into place.  Tell buyer to hold tight as this may take a few weeks.  I hope this helps.

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