Do any of you have a short sale package from Green Tree that you can email me?
I've been trying to get thru to their customer service line the whole day and they have 'unusually high call volume'...
My email is
Thank for your help,
Hi, Dawn is correct. I just got approval with Greentree and you just need to send in the docs via email & fax.
Mirela, I just spoke to a rep at Greentree. They no longer require ANY packet to be completed. Just send the offer, HUD, hardship letter, 2 pay stubs or LOX, 2 years taxes or LOX, and authorization to 866-870-9919. Within 10 to 15 days a representative will assign a negotiator and you will then be provided with their direct extension. Use this phone number to get through quicker in the interim... 800-847-0487.
Good luck :)
Confirmed. In fact, the packet that I found here was for greentree loans in 2nd position.
I am trying to get one now also to make sure it isn't outdated. I can send you what I have if interested?
HI Mirela, We have packages for most of the lenders right here on the site. Just click on the "lender info" tab. THen type the name of the lender in the search window.
Here's the group and package for Green Tree