Ive read as much as I can on this site regarding Federal Tax Liens, and I am familiar with the process already since I've downloaded Form 783 and have looked over the required documentation.
So... I have a couple follow up questions I was hoping a tax lien expert can handle:
My situation is actually really simple... the IRS should receive partial payment and we do not have to short lender 1 or 2. Yay!
1) Does the IRS ever counter with a payment plan for the Seller, or most often do they approve the discharge as-is?
2) Have they ever scoffed at agent commissions? I know with short sales they may try to negotiate us down but most often they approve 6%. Any surprises here?
3) If an application is approved, I assume they will send the closing agent confirmation which is then good enough to proceed with closing? I assume this is no different than a short sale approval letter?
4) How long do they give to close? Is there a date on their 'approval letter" 30-45 days?