I am just finishing on line class from Certified Distressed Property Expert. Anyone else taken this course? Has a lot of great information.

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Hi David, I have not taken their course but have heard good things about it. What they teach and what Wendy and I teach is pretty much on the same page. They do come across as an organization looking to help others. I can't find fault in that.
Hi David - Glad you like that course. I also have to add... agents looking to learn from brokers with real-life short sale experience, check out Training from this site.
Hello David,
I have never taken the CDPE course but have seen the info from the course, it can not hurt to take it but real life experience is the key. Jump in and learn everything that you can. I think CDPE is especially good for agents that really don't understand the process.
Yes, I've had the designation since April. Its good. The monthly webinars have real time info along with power point presentations etc.

If you're looking for more of a community - this is the place.
I have taken the CDPE course and the Short Sales Superstars Course. They are both great and very similar in concept. Short sale superstars training is a fraction of the cost and will get you the info you need to do a great job for your buyers and sellers of short sales.
Bryant and I love you, Clayton!

Clayton Bonjean said:
I have taken the CDPE course and the Short Sales Superstars Course. They are both great and very similar in concept. Short sale superstars training is a fraction of the cost and will get you the info you need to do a great job for your buyers and sellers of short sales.
I am just speaking the truth. Your class really gave me the jump start I needed.

OK, I'll count on it for 2010!

Clayton Bonjean said:
I am just speaking the truth. Your class really gave me the jump start I needed. I will have to bring you lots of buyers to pay you back.

Short Sale Superstars seriously rocks! Thank you for all you do to help us and that you do it so freely is amazing.
Sometimes it is hard to be amazing (and free)! Thank you, Pattilynn, from me and Bryant!

Pattilynn Guilford said:
Short Sale Superstars seriously rocks! Thank you for all you do to help us and that you do it so freely is amazing.
Pattilynn Guilford said:
Short Sale Superstars seriously rocks! Thank you for all you do to help us and that you do it so freely is amazing.

Patti, I told you this was a good place to hang out :-)
Hi, David, I am a CDPE, too. I took the course to learn what was new in "short" foreclosure sales. It has been helpful to me. Hope you have the same experience -- and you probably will. Somebody below said experience is the best teacher. That's right! Just jump in and get started. Good luck to you!



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