I have a Chase short sale that has an offer that is being reviewed by Chase.  The appraisal was done 2 weeks ago and Chase sent me a message a week ago that the appraisal was received.  Tonight I received the following message:  


"I am currently pending the values to be updated by my manager in eqautor thru a task. i will advise u once it is completed for further review"


Has anyone seen this message - and if so, what are they telling me?  Is it good news or bad news?  Thanks.

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Never heard the term "pending the values".  I can only take that to read that there is a counter offer coming if it is generating a task, but not sure. It could mean that the values match and the task is to send closing instructions too.

Your message means that Chase is hiring people whose writing experience is limited to texting their BFFs. LOL.

At least Chase is letting you know that there is a delay for some purpose, which is much better than no communication at all.



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