My Profile
I am proud to have earned the prestigious Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE) Designation and the Certified Default Resolution Specialist Designation (CDRS). These were two extensive trainings in foreclosure avoidance techniques with an emphasis on short sales. As a CDPE and a CDRS, I have been educated on how to help distressed homeowners through difficult financial situations and also how to communicate with lenders effectively to negotiate the best solution for both parties. The knowledge obtained by being apart of these two designations have been invaluable in educating and assisting homeowners through all the options available to them. My expertise in this field has allowed me to provide continued support to my clients during some of their most difficult times as a homeowner.
More than 1 in 4 homeowners are currently upside-down on the mortgage and looking for answers. One of the options available to these homeowners is a short sale. As a Certified Distressed Property Expert, not only can I increase your chances of completing a successful short sale, I can provide you with answers.
If you or someone you know could benefit from the expertise of an agent with both the CDPE & CDRS Designation or you know someone who owes more on their house than it is currently worth, please have them contact us.
In a REAL market, you need a REAL expert with REAL results…
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