July 16
Birthday: July 16 State Fl
July 16
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My Profile
In the early 1980’s Hunter read three books by Robert Allen. (Creating Wealth, Nothing Down and The Challenge) After reading those the seed had been planted for his future career.. He was working in the family business at that time. For 20 years he stumbled along selling auto parts to other mom & pop automotive shops and he thought it was great. He purchased his first home at the young age of 22 years old with techniques he learned. He acquired the antique furniture and lots of other things left on the property. He negotiated a lower down payment as well as a lower monthly payment. He thought his greatest accomplishment from this deal is that he owned a home and that he would never have to pay rent again. Little did he know that this house was going to be the first of many in his real estate career. He continued to work with the family business until February 1997 making a whopping $300.00 a week take home pay and working anywhere from 12 to 15 hours a day. He had already bought 3-4 houses at that time but still hadn't made the break. In late 1996 he cashed a check for $43,000.00 from a house he had controlled for some time. At that time he decided with his future wife’s help that he was going to become a real estate investor full time and not follow in his fathers footsteps as he had been doing for the last 20 years. Hunter is constantly doing massive amounts of research and has evolved into a powerful influential national speaker on short sales. He has many talents but the one he likes the best is interacting with people and watching and learning from them every day. He has been interviewed by 2 local televisions stations asking him about the foreclosure market and has appeared on the Montel Williams show, speaking on how he made his first millions in real estate, going from mechanic to millionaire. As he started his quest of being a transaction engineer of buying and selling real estate, it just so happened that his father approached him with a judgment letter with a foreclosure sale date set for only 5 days away. That brought more memories to him because 10 years prior he had been in foreclosure himself. With all the training he had he was in a position to save his own father and mother's home. He worked with the bank and stopped the house from going to sale and then put the property into a trust (which is taught in his seminar). Bottom line was that he saved his parent’s home that they had lived in for over 20 years as well as the $50,000.00 equity that had accrued over the years. To date, through his students’ efforts and his, they have saved thousands of families from foreclosure and he has negotiated DOWN over $50 million dollars in debt with banks and lenders on behalf of the seller. It’s very rewarding, financially, as well as emotionally, when you are helping a homeowner in foreclosure. Everyone wins. The seller, the bank, the new buyer, our economy and you. Yes, helping people can make you money and that first check is so liberating! His team has become a dominant force in the real estate market and he is helping others do the exact same. More importantly, lives are being changed, not only for his team and him, but the homeowners in foreclosure. .