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Receive proven trustworthiness and good service from Carey Frankel and as rated by peers and past clients with an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau and 5 star ratings on Zillow, Trulia and Yelp. When you work with Carey Frankel and his real estate team you will get a 2nd generation Realtor who is a lifelong resident of the area with over 20+ years experience in helping thousands of families move. This means you will get inside information on the neighborhoods that have been collected through the many years of working in the area and dealing with families with similar concerns. In addition, should a problem occur in the transaction Carey has the experience from his years in the business to resolve the issue and minimize your liability. If you are buying a house then Carey's services are free and when selling your home it cost no more to use an experienced agent like Carey who will get your home sold quickly and for the most money. Let Carey Frankel and Phyllis Frankel be your agent for St. Johns County, Ponte Vedra Beach, Nocatee, Jacksonville, St. Augustine and its surrounding areas.