Do buyer's have any ability to "help" the process along when Ocwen Short Sales begin turning into a nightmare? Ocwen claims to be able to do a lot of things, time-wise, that they obviously have no ability or no intention to follow through on.  So, when you love the house you are trying to buy, Ocwen is stalling, and time is running out, what can the buyer do?  We are less than a week from needing to walk away.  I would hate to do that to the seller at this point.  Need ideas.

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I would suggest you email [email protected] and briefly explain the situation and ask her to help.  She is the head of the ss dept at Ocwen and very responsive.  

I e-mailed Kathleen Robinson just this morning.  I didn't know if she would even give a buyer the time of day, but figured at this point it couldn't hurt.  We are really in the "last ditch effort" stage.  I have heard nothing but good things about how she responds on this board, so I am encouraged.  

The sellers are not at all behind on payments, so there isn't a foreclosure date to stall for on OCWEN's end.  Thanks to the both of you for your help.  

Again, if anyone else knows anything that would help me or other buyers that find themselves in this predicament, please share.

All of your help has proved to be fairly helpful.  Kathleen Robinson's office at least appears to have gotten the file moving today.  They even gave me a call this morning.  I felt special.  Through the listing agent we were informed that the file was delivered to the Freddie Mac department today, and that typically it takes 48 hours for a decision from that department, and that we would be told if it was going to take more time.  The unfortunate thing for us is that we really are out of time on Friday if they have not made a decision.  We will have to move on to something else.  I certainly hope the right thing is done.  I was nevertheless very encouraged to see how quickly Kathleen Robinson's office got things moving today.  

I'm so glad Kathleen was able to help you.  She helped me on a loan mod I did with them and that isn't even her dept.  I had the unusual problem of having two different loan mod approvals on the same loan.  The right hand did not know what the left was doing.  Anyway,  I think Kathleen is the one person at Ocwen who knows what is going on.  I just got another short sale file that was Chase but is now Ocwen.  Normally I would scream, but knowing that there is someone to go to who at least seems to care and has a clue, gives me hope.  Good luck to you.  Hope it all works out!



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