Got an approval on Monday and buyer found out he was losing his job. We sent in the back up offer on the same day 11/9/09 and got the new approval letter with the new buyers name today 11/12/09!
Got another short sale approved today. Bank of America

Mortgage amount $227,000
Offer amount $140,000
Net to BofA $127,041
Commission paid 6%

Views: 121

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Jeff - THAT IS some of the BEST NEWS I have heard about BOFA!! Way to go!
Way to go! See you can close BOA!
I save all of my approvals and emails so that the next BofA person that tells me we can not assign a buyer, I can call BS!
Jeff, that's great to hear. I have the same situation that I'm dealing with and I have to submit a new Buyer's offer on Monday. You have given me great hope!
is this a Countrywide - BofA or BofA - BofA? Was your previous approval already in the closing department?

Jeff Payne said:
I save all of my approvals and emails so that the next BofA person that tells me we can not assign a buyer, I can call BS!
BofA, yes it was in the closing department, it was supposed to close on Monday and the buyer lost his job last week

Anna Mackey SDHS said:
is this a Countrywide - BofA or BofA - BofA? Was your previous approval already in the closing department?

Jeff Payne said:
I save all of my approvals and emails so that the next BofA person that tells me we can not assign a buyer, I can call BS!
Thanks Jeff. Yes it is very encouraging... Thanks for sharing!

Jeff Payne said:
BofA, yes it was in the closing department, it was supposed to close on Monday and the buyer lost his job last week

Anna Mackey SDHS said:
is this a Countrywide - BofA or BofA - BofA? Was your previous approval already in the closing department?

Jeff Payne said:
I save all of my approvals and emails so that the next BofA person that tells me we can not assign a buyer, I can call BS!
How did you do this!!! I have a SS going through CW-BOA, got an approval letter from them earlier in the month but buyer walked. Sent in backup offer of the exact same net to them....but was told today we have to start from square 1 waiting for a stage 1 negotiator now!

What's the secret!
Wow, that is good and very encouraging. I will remember.
Great Job Jeff.
Excellent Job Jeff!
Jeff, that is fantastic news! Something to keep in mind should that occur. It makes no sense to start at square one but like you've stated there is alot of BS out there.



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