Im doing my first cooperative short sale with Bank of America.

I received an email from the 3rd party thats handling the file for Bank Of America (loan resolution).    

I told her we have a $120k offer on the property and she said Bank of America has suggested a list price of $144k.    So I asked her what the min Net was and when to submit offer and this was her response:

"I am happy to hear you have an offer, we will hold off on submitting any documents until that stage of the process. The minimum net I do not have access to that information. Now I will not discourage you from submitting any offer at any amount, however please keep in mind the investor is looking for offers either at the suggested price or higher. All offers can be submitted, however we cannot guarantee whether or not it will be accepted. Also, please be advised once we do hit the marketing stage every 21 days you do not have a offer there will be a price reduction which I will be assisting you with."

My reason for posting this on this board is Im wondering if anyone knows how much they typically reduce the price by every 21 days?

I know FHA loans have tiers but Im wondering if the cooperative short sales have similar tiers as well so we can predict what price reduction will come next if the buyer isnt willing to come up on his offer.


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I have one right now.....Coop short sale.....By a lot. But maybe every house is different. but in my case they went ten thousand every time. And I actually had offer on property with first price.    

Same here with me.  Every one I took on as a co-op I got an offer with the first price.  However, I finally got one where I had to reduce it twice and the vendor told me to reduce  7.7% the first then 8.9% the next.  Trust me, they want to sell it just as much as you. 

I have the same situation, the question is should I submit any and all offers (low balls) or wait for the higher one near the suggested sale's price?

I would do a "Best and Final" sealed bid offer scenario to try and get the best out of everyone.  Once you do you can submit that one.  If that best offer does not meet the minimum the bank wants then remember, if it has been almost 3 weeks since listed or the last Price Change you are probably in line for another one.  If that is the case, that best offer may now meet the number the banks want.  



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