Hi. I'm hoping someone out there can help me. I have been doing a yellow letter campaign for several months (since the end of last year), and I have been using an NOD list. I am using ALL the tools regarding the letter that I am supposed to be using (hand written, hand stamp, invitation type envelopes, ect..) My response has been about 3%.
I changed to a pre-NOD list, and my response has gone up considerably, to about 13%. However, almost all my calls back to me are people that are wondering how I got their info, not people who are interested in doing a short sale. What am I doing wrong?
Hi Justin-
Thanks for your response.
Justin McClelland said:
I don't know what a "yellow letter" campaign is, but I use postcards. I bought a list of people 60 days overdue and in a concentrated area. I am not the most disciplined person so a small list is what I can handle. I mailed 57 homes, on the 1st mailing nothing. On the 2nd I got 1 listing, on the 3rd I am getting my 2nd listing. 8 came back undeliverable, so the list was really 49. The postcards are much cheaper to mail, and much quicker and easier to prepare. I have no problem sharing what I have created and sent. Send me an email to bobbiefiles@kw.com if you are interested.
As for their responses, some people are immensely private people and get very nervous when it appears that their private turmoil is public. IMHO, the letter addressed directly to them would cause a much stronger reaction. You appear to have singled them out and know information about them. People do not understand that it becomes public knowledge. The postcards make it appear more random, just my opinion.